Lose weight with green tea

Green  tea is the healthiest beverage as compared to white tea, black tea and black coffee. People often include it into their diet plans for losing weight as it contains antioxidants and it is made from un-oxidised leaves that helps in reducing belly fat. Not only antioxidants green tea is also a medicine that keeps our body away from reach of diseases like cancer.

Besides this green tea makes us active as it contains no calories hence no fat. With almost no side effects, green tea can improve brain function as it contains caffeine but less than coffee therefore it does not harm our body like coffee in which amount of caffeine is very high. People who include green tea in daily routine are more productive and have more energy as compared to those who prefer coffee.

There are many benefits of green tea - 

  1. It also reduced risk of clogged arteries and lowers blood pressure in elderly people. 
  2. It prevent dental cavities, stress, chronic fatigue, treating skin conditions.
  3. Green tea helps you lose weight.

 There are various brands of green tea available in the market.Top brands are:- Regular green tea – tetley, taj mahal and GAIA, Lemon green tea – eco valley, tetley, organic india, Mint green tea – eco valley, mittal’s, Tulsi green tea – organic india, eco valley.

There is no change in benefits by adding flavours to your green tea but if the flavours includes sugar then it may contain calories. Therefore avoid green tea with added sugar or with sweetened flavoured. Apart from flavours brand of green tea also matter, how tea leaves are produced and un-oxidised make difference in their quality. 

For begginers of green tea I prefer to choose green tea which is not strong as you may find it unpleasant as you are not used to the taste. Losing fat is a challenge but green tea makes it easier by reducing your efforts of dieting.

So, choose a green tea of your flavour and add it as your routine activity along with exercise for better results and a healthy weight loss. For more weight loss tips check out our weight loss section on the website.


  1. I love your article very much.I have to remind myself to drink Green tea. I used to a lot. It helped with speeding my metabolism and would lose weight. green tea reviews

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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