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The Absolute Best Triceps Workout


Most people start a new workout regimen with a specific goal in mind, be it an increase in overall fitness, a general accrual of mass, or getting specific body parts or groups of muscles in fantastic shape. Some choose to do it for aesthetic purposes, others for health, and still others for the competitive advantage an increase in muscle mass can offer either in individual or team athletic contests.

Top 5 Natural Chest Workouts


When it comes to bodybuilding, your chest is often the first thing people notice. It can also be one of the hardest parts of the body to build mass without looking like it’s all fat and no muscle. If you’d rather build muscle and mass the natural way, rather than resorting to protein shakes and other supplements, here are the best five natural chest workouts that’ll help you look your best this summer.

Workout #1: Dumbbell squeeze press

The key to building mass is in maximising the range of motion. The more wider the range of motion and the more muscles you engage at once, the quicker you start growing your muscle. One of the best moves for building chest mass is with the dumbbell squeeze press because it uses a range of muscle.

You need two dumbbells for the move. Lie on a bench and hold your arms straight above your chest. You need to hold the dumbbells and have your palms facing together, allowing the weights to lightly touch. Start squeezing the weights together as hard as possible without either side budging in. It’s important to maintain the position and put as much pressure on the move as possible. Hold the pose for a few seconds and then lower the weights to the sides of your chest. Bring back up and repeat.

Workout #2: Weighted push-ups

Push-ups are a traditional exercise routine that’s rather effective in building muscle. However, if you want to speed up your mass building, you want to make this classic move slightly harder. Indeed, the military all over the world often uses the popular trick of adding weights to the push-ups. 

The idea is to add some kind of load in the middle of your back while you perform the push-up. You can use a plate weight, a weight vest and then a sandbag. Take a push-up position, add your chosen weight over the upper back or the middle of the back, depending on the weights, and adjust your arms to a slightly wider position than your shoulders. Keep the arms straight and bend your elbows slowly, until your chest nearly touches the floor. Instead of pulling back up immediately, take a breather and then slowly push your body back up.

Workout #3:Close-grip bench press

Barbells are a perfect way to lift heavy loads and heavy loads are useful when it comes to building a lot of mass. However, many beginner bodybuilders end up damaging their shoulders as they increase the weights on the barbell. To avoid this, you should consider lifting the weights with a much closer grip.

Lie down on the bench and take a good grip of the barbell. Make your grip narrower than your shoulder width but not narrow enough for your hands touch each other. Left the barbell above your sternum and keep your arms straight. Lower the bar to your chest and leave it there for just a second. Lift the bar up avoiding arm movement as much as possible. Rinse and repeat.

Workout #4: Exercise with cables

Although different press routines are popular with chest workouts most bodybuilders do, you can try other workouts as well. In fact, you want to add different kind of stimuli to your chest to add to your routine and to boost your mass building. One of the good ways to do this is with an exercise called cable fly.

If you can’t find cables at your local gym or you like working out at home, you could purchase strength-training rope from sports retailers. Nike.com UK has tons of discount vouchers for workout equipment which you could use.

There are two ways of doing this exercise. First, you could grab a handle and pull the handles from up to down while leaning slightly forward. Make the handles cross a little bit. The other movement is by standing on top of the strength training rope and pulling your arms in a cross-section from down to up. With both movements, make sure the arms don’t bend or jiggle too much during the move.

Workout #5: Archer push-up

Finally, you could add one more push-up to your repertoire. The archer push-up is even harder than a one-arm push-up, so it’ll definitely be a challenge. This move is good because it doesn’t just develop your chest muscles, but also trains your triceps, abs and shoulders.

Take a push-up position by placing your left hand directly under your left shoulder. Extend your right arm straight on to you side and on top of a medicine ball or a low step. Bed the left elbow slowly to lower your chest almost to the floor. Your bodyweight should be mainly on the left hand. Push yourself up and repeat on that side a few times. Then swap the position to train the right side.

If your aim is to build a lot of mass and fast, the above five chest workouts are something you must try immediately. 

14 Best foods to blast belly fat

Some people struggle with stubborn belly fat. They may be able to reduce fat everywhere else, but that stubborn belly fat, sometimes referred to as a spare tire, simply won’t go away. Recent studies have shown that eating foods that contain monounsaturated fatty acids along with a healthy reduced calorie diet actually targets that hard to lose belly fat. In addition, consuming fiber gives you a long lasting, satisfied feeling that helps control appetite.

Top 5 Tips to Put on Serious Mass


For 99% of the male population who start training in the gym, you can almost guarantee that their key goal is to increase muscle mass and build a lean and muscular physique. 

And this is undoubtedly a very good goal. 

Unfortunately, despite putting in a lot (and I mean A LOT) of effort, there are so many people who don’t get close to achieving the physique they want. And while most will put this down to genetics, I know for fact that this isn’t really the case. 

The reason that these guys are not putting on size is because they are ignoring the key principals of muscle growth. And although they may be training hard, and they may think they are eating right, they really aren’t. 

By making a few key changes to their training AND their diet, these people would start seeing vast improvements in their physiques. So in the following article I am going to outline the 5 key changes that NEED to be made, so you can start putting on some serious muscle mass!

1. Prioritize post workout nutrition

While this one may sound a little obvious, you would be surprised by the sheer number of people who fail to eat correctly after a workout.

During a solid gym session we exhaust our stores of muscle glycogen (the compound we use for energy), while also causing some serious damage to our muscle tissue. While this is completely normal, if we do not consume adequate nutrients post workout, we can seriously limit our capacity to recover from our workout – which in turn will impact our ability to repair and build new muscle tissue.

By consuming a meal high in both protein and carbohydrates 1-2 hours after we workout, we can really maximise our recovery. The carbohydrates allow us to refill our stores of muscle glycogen, while the protein provides our body with essential amino acids required to build and repair muscle tissue. 

2. Supplement Smartly
When most people start training seriously, they immediately go out and buy a whole heap of supplements because they truly believe that they will help them achieve the physique they want. While supplements can have a place in increasing muscle mass, they are not nearly as important as most people make them out to be.

Supplements are just that – supplements. They are meant to supplement a solid diet and exercise regime. If an individual’s diet is not rock solid, then supplements are just going to be a waste of money.

But, if both diet and training are in order, then there are some (note: some) supplements that can definitely improve our ability to put on muscle mass. Of these, the two most important (and often the only two that I recommend) are creatine monohydrate and a quality whey protein powder.

The consistent supplementation of creatine has been shown to increase strength and power output, and also lead to huge increases in muscle mass. Protein powder is a simple and effective way to maintain a high protein intake, allowing us to hit our macros easily.

Grass  Fed Whey Protein - 

IT com from dairy cows that have a 100% grass-fed. Grass fed whey protein is indisputably superior to grain-fed protein on a nutritional level. The benefits of grass-fed come down to improved amino acid and immune support nutrients, as well as healthy omega and CLA fats.

3. Prioritize large compound movements

When it comes to both building mass, large, compound exercises are unparalleled (think presses, rows, squats, and deadlifts). These movements use a huge amount of muscle mass at a given time, often using multiple muscle groups per exercise. 

As such, by prioritizing these movements, we can train a number of different muscles simultaneously. This will lead to an increase in volume over a given training week, which will lead to large increases in muscle growth.

Furthermore, barbell-based movements allow us to use the most amount of load per exercise. By increasing the amount of load that a muscle receives, we increase the amount of mechanical stress on that muscle group. This increased mechanical stress is known to be one of the key drivers for muscle growth, and by maximizing it we can maximize muscle development.

4. Train HARD

Too many people get to the gym and merely go through the motions. They do their same exercises using the same weights week in week out, and for some reason, expect to see change. 

Unfortunately, this is not how it works.

To actually see the change we need to place some serious stress on the muscle tissue. This means genuinely pushing ourselves to our limits, working up a sweat, and often trying to progress each and every session. 

By working hard we can actually create significant muscle damage, which is absolutely essential to building larger (and stronger) muscle tissue. If we do the same thing over and over, our body adapts to the stress and therefore sees no reason to make a change. By training hard we increase the stress placed on the body, forcing it to change and adapt (and build new muscle tissue).

5. Use the Principals of Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is essential to see improvement. It refers to the act of making small increase in the amount of work performed each and every session, and is absolutely integral to maximizing muscle development.

Progressive overload can be implemented through two key mechanisms. 1) By increasing the weight lifted from last session, or 2) by increasing the amount of reps performed form last session. Either way we are increasing the amount of work we are performing every session.

This places new stress on the body each session, forcing it to constantly adapt, and build larger and stronger muscle tissue. If we don’t place new stress on our body, we won’t progress. 


Putting on mass doesn’t have to be complex, but it does require some work. This means focusing on post workout nutrition and supplementing smartly. Moreover, by focusing on large compound movements we can stimulate muscle growth through increases in weekly volume AND increases in mechanical stress – both of which are essential to building new muscle tissue.

Finally, to build muscle tissue we actually need to work HARD. This means pushing ourselves to do a little more each and every session, and not merely going through the motions.

Luke Cafferty is a fitness junkie, personal trainer and blogger. He's passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a strong and well-rounded physique, while inspiring others to do the same. 
Luke found a passion for human performance and the ability to optimize his nutritional intake for muscle growth, better immunity, and different cardiovascular benefits at a young age. This passion has since grown, and he continues to deepen his knowledge on all aspects of fitness and health. 

To see more of his work, visit his website, or find him on Facebook and Twitter.

Top 5 Natural Body Transformations of 2017


David Laid

Natural Bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast who spent his teenage years focused on toning his body and putting on muscle. He started to change his body starting at 14 years old. He at first agreed to YouTube in July of 2009 with the username computerman91, ignorant around then of what he would later utilize his channel for.

Zack Zeiler

These photos demonstrate the shocking change of a young growth persistent into a natural muscle head, whose moving selfies have earned him a gigantic web based after.
Zach Zeiler, from Ida, Michigan, was determined to have Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2010 at 15 years old - which saw his weight fall to only 100lbs.
However, as his photographs appear, Zach went ahead to beat disease and now weighs almost 175lbs.His noteworthy body is the consequence of working out for two hours every single day - which he started amid treatment.

Jon Skywalker

Jon Skywalker is a 22-year-old wellness model and entertainer. Jon began online networking at 18 years old amid his first year in school and has utilized his own social channels to share his energy and move thousands.
Toward the start of his wellness travel, Jon stood 6' 4" yet just weighed 145 lbs. One day he settled on the choice to begin hitting the weights. As Jon quit developing in tallness, his body started pressing on pounds of incline muscle substantially more proficiently than in his more youthful high school years. Inside the principal year, Jon made a fantastic body change and it inspired him to completely seek after wellness and feel as a vocation. Jon has now devoted his life to testing his points of confinement and wrecking hindrances with the objective of spurring the greatest number of individuals as he can with his rousing story. As Jon keeps on pursuing his fantasy of feel, he has picked up the support of a huge number of individuals, which he concedes is a really lowering background.
Jon is right now an undergrad, concentrate International Business and living in Anaheim, California. While on the way to acquiring his degree, Jon has built up himself in the wellness business, procuring sponsorships from FATE and other surely understood wellness brands. Amid Jon's extra time he goes up against individual preparing customers and is energetic about helping them build up a workout and preparing regimen that will help them change their bodies and all the more critically the nature of their lives.

Qwin Vitale

Weight lifter, Bodybuilder who is known for his eponymous YouTube channel's substance.  He has picked up notoriety there for his incessant wellness roused vlog sections from his own day by day life, and in addition visit instructive wellbeing Q&A's.

Connor Murphy

Natural bodybuilder Conor Murphy is a bodybuilder and a fitness model. He started working out at an early stage of his life at the age of 10.


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Aesthetic Bodybuilding is focused on making sure that health is not an issue of the haves vs. the have-nots. Instead, it's simply a matter of having access to the right information that fits into your preferences and then following the steps to a better life.



